Making the European cleaning industry more visible: EFCI meets policymakers in Brussels
In early 2023, EFCI President Lorenzo Mattioli and Director General Matteo Matarazzo took the opportunity to present the work EFCI does in defending the interests of the cleaning industry to MEPs from the EMPL Committee – closely related to the EU social policy and industrial relations.
Cleaning sector is essential in our lives
The first meetings with the VP of the European Parliament, Ms. Pina Picierno (S&D) and MEP Nikolaj Villumsen, from the left group focused on the importance of the cleaning industry as a service provider. It is simple: this work is essential to ensure the safety and well-being of European citizens.
Later in February and March, discussions took place with MEP Ilan De Basso (S&D), Max Orville (Renew Europe), Elisabetta Gualmini (S&D), Salvatore De Meo (EPP), Nicola Danti (Renew Europe) and Dennis Radtke (EPP), the latter together with the Director General of EFCI Member organisation BIV, Wolfgang Molitor.
Lorenzo Mattioli, Mateo Matarazzo and Wolfgang Molitor meet MEP Dennis Radtke at the European Parliament
Lorenzo Mattioli and Matteo Matarazzo meet MEP Ilan De Basso at the European Parliament
The cycle of exchanges with representatives of the EU political world continued in May, when the delegates of EFCI General Assembly met MEP Carlo Fidanza, from the ECR group, for a debate on the industry’s perspective on the current state of EU affairs.
EFCI General Assembly delegates meet MEP Carlo Fidanza at the European Parliament
Thanks to these meetings, EFCI could exchange on issues that represent EFCI’s strategic policy pillars:
the function of social dialogue as a catalyst for an industry-driven change and EFCI’s commitment to its role of social partner
the need for a change in the perception of the weight services have in the overall economic value chain
the acknowledgment of the importance this ‘invisible’ activity has in our lives, economies and societies
The exchanges offered the opportunity to raise specific policy points such as the necessity to review the current provisions on public procurement and a stronger focus on increasing the attractiveness of labour-intensive sectors like the one EFCI represents.
Working closely with our partners
Part of this renewed attention to the public dimension of EFCI’s work has been emphasised in the meetings with UniEuropa and Businesseurope, in the persons respectively of Oliver Rothig, Regional Secretary of UNIEuropa, and Markus Beyrer, Director General of Businesseurope, as the two principal interlocutors for EFCI’s social partnership dimension.
Cleaning sector on a global scale
EFCI did not leave out the global dimension from its agenda, participating in the meeting of the Global Executive Summit of the World Federation of Building Services Contractors (WFBSC), that took place in London in March. The event offered an invaluable opportunity to exchange views with representatives of the industry from the world, allowing for EFCI to restate its presence and representativeness of the European cleaning industry.